I wouldn't expect to win any 'most creative' awards with this one... However, it proved to be a fun Saturday morning activity for our family, and offers some colorful snapshots for the ol scrapbook!
I find myself reluctant to want to drag out the paints every week when the boys are asking to set at the table for arts and crafts, so this particular week when they asked to draw we opted to give them an outdoor larger canvas! There are so many different ways to make this a photo op. Thinking large canvas with overalls and a couple of bright paint colors and let them finger paint.. adorbs.
We kept it simple by taping up colored poster boards.
We also just used things we had.. I think those are left over Halloween party cups and some transformer birthday plates! but how cute could you make it with some mason jars.. could even color the water for added affect...Rolled paper from a teachers co-op or somewhere would be a fun canvas as well. You can tell that we didn't get out side as early as we needed to for sun placement as well by the harsh shadows in the images, but make it an early activity or later afternoon as the sun is going down and you're golden :)
Shooting down the fence helps you capture those little painters in action, plus get full 'story telling' shots.
I drew this lovely dog head you see below and Jon decided it needed a body.. Poor dog.. he'd take one step and topple over.
Stressing a perfect smile 'group shot' is not something I worry about anymore either. There is so much more personality when they do their own thing anyways. The above would be me saying 'Kellen, copy what daddy's doing and lets take a picture'.. so he did!
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