The craze that is 'visiting the pumpkin patch' seems to be a mix of the digital camera phenom, keeping up with the Facebookers, and every one's adoration for Fall.
Well whatever the reason behind it, I personally think it's GRAND.
We Mommas tend to plan all of these great adventures for our families and then get so wrapped up in trying to get great pictures that we forget to enjoy the festivities ourselves....
LIVE in the moment. Let the pictures be what you look back on years from now and be able to remember how wonderful the moment was.
This post is meant to (hopefully) give you tips, good ideas, and inspiration for your own patch pictures.
Vanzant's Fruit Farm in Lowell.
(Just google Vanzant's Fruit Farm to get directions and info.)
Not only does Van's have my absolute favorite set-ups for patch pictures, but they also have a pretty fabulous selection of apples and homemade fruit jams.. YUM (snag some while you're there.)
The above images were taken right on their front porch.
They have the cutest displays of mini gourds and pumpkins in wheel barrels and wagons.
It's personally my favorite patch if your goal is to get good pictures with good lighting.
And for you stay at home or day time Mommas, if you can go in the morning time during the week, its perfect. no crowds!
For all of you stressers out there, here is my suggestion on pumpkin patch pics...
Try setting the day up to go to two locations. First hit up somewhere like Vanzant's and concentrate specifically on pictures and getting backgrounds set just right for some great shots.
Next, head somewhere like Mcgarrah's Farms. Lots of kid activities and fun to be had there !
Take your camera or leave it behind at Mcgarrah's , either way.. but this way you can concentrate on the laughter and fun with your kiddos rather then worrying about the 'perfect' shots.
I love me some Mcgarrah's Farms but it has been my experience over the past five years that I do NOT get shots like these there...
However, the kiddos love Mcgarrah's and that makes it worth the trip.
These are some oldies but goodies from Mcgarrah's Farms
Hayrides, wheel barrel rides, cow train, corn maze etc etc ... love me some Mcgarrah's for the kid friendly activities.
You can get some fun action/candid pictures at a place like Mcgarrah's for sure.
Kids always have natural great smiles when they are doing something fun like this, so what better time to try and snap a pic or two. My kids love to look back through scrapbooks or albums I've made and see themselves doing something fun. It's exciting to remember the fun times with them and hear their little versions of how the adventure went!
This next little goody is located a little bit further South of the area.
(google Sequoyah United Methodist Church)
Honestly, I had not heard of this adorable little pumpkin patch until a customer of mine suggested we use it for a session for her girls. Once there I quickly realized its a little hidden gem!
For the tiny amount of space they have for this patch, they have really gone all out.
complete with adorable benches and steps for photo-ops, plenty of tiny pumpkins, rows of large pumpkins, and enough radio flyers to go around!
It wasn't crowded on this particular Sunday afternoon so we got some adorable shots of these two adorable little pumpkins.
and below, Mara is doing her thing and we're just letting her.
Just like every other toddler/big girl her age, she isn't interested in setting and posing so we
let her be active and put the pumpkins from the wagon to a stand and then back... and just tried to freeze frame her natural cuteness somewhere in between. Don't be afraid to move pumpkins around and place them where you need to in order to create your images. Not suggesting you rearrange for them, but a good patch shouldn't mind you moving a few pumpkins around to accommodate your kiddos.
This would be a location like Vanzants.
Pick a few pumpkins, great for pictures...
Precious little patch!
Those are my pumpkin patch 'picks'... Just another fabulous reason to ADORE
If you have any ideas to go along with this feel free to comment or email us thoughts and pictures to:
In my previous post I painted a couple of pumpkins for some fresh looking Fall pictures of my kiddo. I am still hoping to see someone take it to the extreme.
I'm waiting for it to show up on pinterest where someone has sat their baby girl in the middle of dozens of fab painted pumpkins of all colors and designs. turquoise, purple, yellow, whatever!
If I had the time and the money, oh there is no limits...