A little while back, a family member sent me a link to this lady's incredible blog. (Thanks Nan) When I finally got around to checking it out I realized it was precious. Long story short, this lady began taking pictures of creative little scenes for her baby by using quilts and blankets to help build the scenic background.
I instantly was intrigued and felt the need to try this out myself.
So I called up my friend Brooke, and we tried our hand at this fun idea.
The below are the shots we got of her little man Colt:
'Cowboy Colt'
We opted to use props and things we already had for this group of pictures, but a quick trip to Hobby Lobby for some adorable props could really bring these little scenes to life... and talk about a fun couple of scrapbook pages!
In the next one, cowboy colt has borrowed farmer bobs hat...
the hat was a little tricky.
These are taken in my living room. We laid out the scene in the middle of my living room floor and opened the blinds of the large window to let in the natural light. I elevated myself with my camera by standing on a wooden chest we use as our coffee table. Very easy, and safe for the baby.
'Dreamin of field goals'
We used very simple props. Since we didn't have a large enough blue blanket to create the 'sky' background for these football shots, we improvised by making clouds out of our smaller blankets.
Like I said, these are simple. We put these together in less than 12 hours. A little more preparation and thought put into this could produce some really good detailing. The scenes with more detailing really stand up off the page. really come to life.
...and these next ones were just for fun and in keeping with the month of Valentine's theme.
The blanket is just shaped into a heart. This one could easily have more props to make a cute little baby cupid with a hat, bow and arrow etc etc..
The scenes are endless. Check out her blog from the link I included above. Great ideas. I plan to get a copy of her book as well.
'Baby Love' Just a fun picture idea for smaller babies.. love it.
Comment and let us know what you think.. We'd love to hear your input and ideas.
also, feel free to email any fun ideas or info to share:
p.s. share our blog with others you think would find it helpful or fun. thanks :)
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